Pym’s Consultancy Works with More Prestigious Universities – Supporting a Further Two Successful Multi-Million Pound Funding Applications

by | 16 Apr, 2018 | Press Release

Pym’s Consultancy Works with More Prestigious Universities – Supporting a Further Two Successful Multi-Million Pound Funding Applications

Last year, Pym’s Consultancy had the great privilege of working with the universities of Manchester, Sheffield and Leeds in support of their successful application for Round 1 funding from the Higher Innovation Funding: Connecting Capabilities Fund.

Northern Triangle Initiative (NTI) Company

Following on from this success, we were asked to work with two further collaborating groups of universities to support applications for projects seeking funding from Round 2.

Promoting the Internet of Things via Collaborations between HEIs & Industry (Pitch-In)

Led by the University of Sheffield, partnering with Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Newcastle, Pitch-In has been awarded £4.9m

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to interconnection via the Internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data, and is critical to UK industrial, societal and economic development. The Pitch-In collaboration aims to extract benefit for the UK from IoT technologies via wide-scale collaboration between academic institutions and the public and private sectors. It will investigate barriers to collaborative IoT exploitation, trial solutions, capture KE good practice learning outcomes, and disseminate guidance regionally, nationally and globally. Supports the UK Government’s Industrial Strategy by significantly enhancing the commercialisation and wider exploitation prospects of UK IoT research and technology.

Grow Med-Tech: Collaborating for a Competitive Future

Led by the University of Leeds, partnering with Universities of Bradford, Huddersfield and York, Leeds Beckett University and Sheffield Hallam University.

Grow Med-Tech has been awarded £4,995,000.

Focusing on technology convergence and the de-risking of technologies, Grow Med-Tech will bring together leading technology and translational expertise in the Leeds and Sheffield city regions in a patient-focussed and commercially-driven innovation system. It will enhance productivity and economic growth in the UK medical technology sector, while addressing the evolving health needs of the population.

It has been an honour and a privilege to work with all these universities and witness true collaboration across higher academic institutions and by leaders in their fields.

Pym’s would like to wish all involved in each project every success, as we look forward to improved growth and access to innovative technologies for the UK.

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