Pym’s Consultancy Joins the Rural Health & Care Alliance

by | 18 Jan, 2019 | Press Release

Pym’s Consultancy Joins the Rural Health & Care Alliance

I have frequently written about the imbalance between funding for health and care in rural communities compared to urban. Personally, based on research and evaluation, I believe that current methods for calculating funding for public sector provision does not consider the real and current needs of rural populations.

Coming from the rural county of Lincolnshire, I have felt, like many, that we have no voice, and that we just have to accept that we pay more and receive less, as there is no political will to change things. However, to start a new year I have resolved to stop shouting to an empty room and join an organisation which is committed to making a difference.

Pym’s Consultancy Ltd is now a member of The Rural Health and Care Alliance – a membership organisation dedicated to providing news, information, innovation and best practice to those delivering and interested in rural health and care, established through a partnership between the National Centre for Rural Health and Care and the Rural Services Network (RSN) and is affiliated to both the National Centre and the RSN.

Please have a look at their website, if you too feel that more should be done to improve funding for rural services, maybe we can together build momentum for change.

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