A frequent question from initial meetings with new clients.
I won’t lie to you. It isn’t easy. You have to consider which part of the market to approach:
- Public Services
- Private Providers
- End Users

Next what part within the sector you choose e.g. for Public Services
- Councils
- Older People’s Care
- Learning Disabilities
- Home modifications
- At risk children
- Integrated Care
- Integrated Care Services (ICS)
- Integrated Care Organisations (ICO)
- Hospitals
- Acute
- Tertiary Referral Centre
- Community
- CCGs
- Ambulance Service
- Community Services
- Hospitals
- Private Providers of
- Home adaptations
- Wheelchairs and walking aids
- Community Equipment contracts
- Homecare
- Residential Care
These lists are not exhaustive, and every company has to consider the specific needs, targets and objectives of the part of the market that they wish to enter and how well their product fits with these. Other aspects to consider include regulatory compliance, size of the market, who are the key stakeholders, value proposition and price.

You may decide that it is quicker and easier all round to sell direct to the end user. Personal Budgets and PIP mean that you don’t have to be rich to buy your own technology. BUT the big problem is how to tell people about what you have, who it might help, and how it works. How do people know that it works? How can people be sure of online reviews? How can you find enough people to test new products?

Because so many innovators and entrepreneurs find engaging with end users a significant challenge, and so many end users struggle to find what they need, I am working on a project to try and overcome these hurdles with a very low-cost option for companies.

However, to get this project off the ground, and win funding to develop what is required I need your help. If you make or sell any technology that helps people to live their best life, please share you views using this online questionnaire. I am working hard to try and change things for you, but I need your help for 4 minutes – Can you do this so that you help me to help you?