Sales Skills

Using Sales Experience to Deliver Sales Training

With a combined experience of over 60 years of successful sales, and having received countless sales training programmes, we believe that DiSC is the one that resonates best.  Using an on-line assessment to start the process, we will lead your sales professionals through the journey of self-awareness, recognition of the behavioural styles and buying attitudes of others to flexing and modifying behaviours to improve customer relationships and increase their success.

We use Everything DiSC a Wiley Brand, a thoroughly researched, reliable and valid behavioural profiling tool.

Everything DiSC® Profiles


The Everything DiSC® Range of Profile Reports
Everything DiSC® is a world class range of profiles.
Each Everything DiSC® profile is topic-specific, with in-depth information, including tips, strategies, and action plans to help you become more effective. All Everything DiSC® profiles include access to unlimited free follow-up reports.

Important distinctions with Everything DiSC® profiles:

  • Your DiSC® style is represented as a dot on a circle rather than on a graph
  • Each profile focuses on a specific context helping you to improve in that particular area (i.e. management, leadership, sales, workplace relationships)
  • They use ‘adaptive testing’ which is an interactive process that tailors questions based on your individual item responses. This results in an even more precise profile report and an even more relevant and useful outcome!

Everything DiSC® Sales Profile
The Everything DiSC® Sales Profile is an ideal profile for helping you connect better with your customers
This 23-page sales-specific profile focuses on:

    • Understanding your DiSC® Sales style including your strengths and challenges
    • Recognising and understanding customer buying styles
    • How to adapt your sales style to your customers

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