by Kate Pym | Jan 18, 2019 | Press Release
Pym’s Consultancy Joins the Rural Health & Care Alliance I have frequently written about the imbalance between funding for health and care in rural communities compared to urban. Personally, based on research and evaluation, I believe that current methods for...
by Kate Pym | Jan 14, 2019 | Biomedical Catalyst 2019, Blog
Innovate UK opening Biomedical Catalyst 2019 round 1 What a great start to the New Year! Innovate UK have announced that they will be opening two new grant competitions for SMEs on the 21st January – Biomedical Catalyst 2019 round 1. The aim of the Biomedical Catalyst...
by Kate Pym | Oct 26, 2018 | Blog, NHS, Social Care
Health Literacy, Rural Inequality and Living with Dementia. I have decided to post more regular blogs, with less specific focus, as each working week is different, and raises varying issues across health and care. Over the last few days I have been doing the usual,...
by Kate Pym | Sep 28, 2018 | Blog, Business, NHS, NHS structures
Why all NHS trusts are equal for funding, but some are more equal than others. Have you ever wondered why some NHS trusts consistently perform badly, receive bad CQC reports and struggle to recruit staff when compared to other? We all know that the mantra of “it’s...
by Kate Pym | Jul 18, 2018 | Healthcare
Preparing for a diagnosis of dementia – we prepare for so many life changes, why not this? We anticipate and prepare for so many things in life, such as birth, growing-up, going to school, university, joining the workforce, hormonal changes associated with growing up...