by Kate Pym | Sep 20, 2017 | Blog, Business
A Personal History of Filling the Deficits and Seeking Diagnosis Supporting a friend or family member who has declining cognitive function is hard for anyone. To begin with everyone has their own quirks, and occasional odd behaviours which can be seen as a character...
by Kate Pym | Jul 17, 2017 | Blog, Business
After a long career in sales I have had many conversations about the reasons for my success, many underpinned by an assumption from the other party that there is something a bit shady and dishonest about selling into healthcare. There is an assumption that people who...
by Kate Pym | Nov 16, 2016 | Blog, Business, Business development, Consultancy
Oh my goodness (as we say to the grandchildren), back to work after a small break! Over the break it took 2 weeks to alter my body clock, lie in bed late and change my eating habits. If sugar, cream, or preferably both, were not involved in the making of a dish, I...
by Kate Pym | Nov 15, 2016 | Blog, Business, NHS, Social Care
We all know that the NHS is a huge, complex, unwieldy organisation, and if we were to design a social healthcare system from scratch today, it would not look like the modern NHS. We would not have to take into account embedded working practices, expensive,...
by Kate Pym | Nov 2, 2016 | Business, Commercial, None
Throughout my career selling to the public sector, all negotiations come down to a relationship. Whether that is a relationship between a single sales representative and a procurement manager, or a commercial organisation and a hospital, or local council. A...