8 Reasons Why A Good Sales Professional Never Lies

8 Reasons Why A Good Sales Professional Never Lies

After a long career in sales I have had many conversations about the reasons for my success, many underpinned by an assumption from the other party that there is something a bit shady and dishonest about selling into healthcare. There is an assumption that people who...
It’s not who you know…..

It’s not who you know…..

We all know that the NHS is a huge, complex, unwieldy organisation, and if we were to design a social healthcare system from scratch today, it would not look like the modern NHS. We would not have to take into account embedded working practices, expensive,...

Why train in commercial awareness?

Throughout my career selling to the public sector, all negotiations come down to a relationship.  Whether that is a relationship between a single sales representative and a procurement manager, or a commercial organisation and a hospital, or local council. A...