by Kate Pym | Sep 6, 2021 | Business, Business development, Commercial, Healthcare
I have been working with Business Lincolnshire as a provider of Lincolnshire Peer Networks since 2020 and there has been a noticeable challenge across all industries which we discussed at our last providers’ meeting – the shortage of workers, across all industries....
by Kate Pym | Jul 18, 2019 | Blog, Business, Healthcare, NHS
What it means to be a patient in a rural community. I have been asked to speak at a meeting for the Rural Service Network about my experience of working in health and care in rural environments and this has got me thinking. My experience is founded upon the...
by Kate Pym | Jun 14, 2019 | Blog, Business, Business development, Successful Bid Responses
Pym’s Consultancy – Celebrating Five Years’ Success with a competition to win a free consultation! Pym’s Consultancy – Celebrating Five Years’ Success with a competition to win a free consultation! This month Pym’s Consultancy is celebrating five years’...
by Kate Pym | Sep 28, 2018 | Blog, Business, NHS, NHS structures
Why all NHS trusts are equal for funding, but some are more equal than others. Have you ever wondered why some NHS trusts consistently perform badly, receive bad CQC reports and struggle to recruit staff when compared to other? We all know that the mantra of “it’s...
by Kate Pym | Mar 20, 2018 | Blog, Business, NHS
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Have you contacted your Academic Health Science Network (AHSN)? When working with a client, who has an innovation in healthcare, one of my first questions is “Have you contacted your local AHSN?” and if they are trialling...
by Kate Pym | Feb 9, 2018 | Business, Business development, None
Is your product an ugly baby? You’ve been working in your laboratory/office/workshop/shed/garage for years and you believe that the baby you have created is beautiful. What you see is: You think everyone will want your baby. The NHS will want to purchase your product,...