Pym’s Consultancy Blog

MEETINGS: Stop, Look and Listen

MEETINGS: Stop, Look and Listen

A short story which most of us will recognise. I awoke this morning feeling distinctly frustrated and annoyed, not how you want to start the day. Why did I feel like this first thing on a Monday morning, when I am about to start another week of work, in a job that I...

Detail on Pharmaceutical and Med Tech Regulation in the UK

Detail on Pharmaceutical and Med Tech Regulation in the UK

The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is the UK government body which oversees the regulation of medicines and medical devices. From over-the-counter medicines to pacemakers and defibrillators, the MHRA works to ensure all products are safe...

Medical device entry and licensing in the United Kingdom

Medical device entry and licensing in the United Kingdom

Medical device market entry and licensing is an area of increasing importance as the field expands and more stringent procedures are needed to keep companies regulated and patients safe. The market for medical devices The market for medical devices continues to boom...

The transformation of UK healthcare

The transformation of UK healthcare

The healthcare sector is well known for being in a state of constant flux. Innovations in technology, research, and policies - both locally and nationally - mean that healthcare providers must constantly adapt. The healthcare industry presents unique and numerous...

Diabetes – It’s not just numbers.

Diabetes – It’s not just numbers.

I had another conversation yesterday with an entrepreneur who has an innovation to support the management of diabetes. This is not uncommon, on average I spend half my working week speaking to, or working with entrepreneurs working in this field, with approximately 2...

Mild Cognitive Impairment – Minding the Gaps

Mild Cognitive Impairment – Minding the Gaps

A Personal History of Filling the Deficits and Seeking Diagnosis Supporting a friend or family member who has declining cognitive function is hard for anyone. To begin with everyone has their own quirks, and occasional odd behaviours which can be seen as a character...

8 Reasons Why A Good Sales Professional Never Lies

8 Reasons Why A Good Sales Professional Never Lies

After a long career in sales I have had many conversations about the reasons for my success, many underpinned by an assumption from the other party that there is something a bit shady and dishonest about selling into healthcare. There is an assumption that people who...

Are we really commissioning for outcomes in wound care?

Are we really commissioning for outcomes in wound care?

In this week’s issue of the Nursing Times there are 2 very useful and informative articles by Annemarie Brown on wound care: Phases of the wound healing process and The principles of holistic wound assessment . What occurs to me, as a non-clinician, is that I rarely...

It’s not who you know…..

It’s not who you know…..

We all know that the NHS is a huge, complex, unwieldy organisation, and if we were to design a social healthcare system from scratch today, it would not look like the modern NHS. We would not have to take into account embedded working practices, expensive,...

Shaming elderly emergency hospital admissions

Shame on us! I have recently read a very clear demonstration of how we as a nation are failing to provide the right care and support to older people to manage their continence. Published in 2013, the same year as the Francis Report, CCG Outcomes Indicator Set:...

10 lessons from starting a new business

Having worked in a number of family businesses, the civil service and multi-nationals, I should be in the ideal position to start my own business, little did I appreciate the commitment required. This is a new digital age and it has been a steep learning curve.  Here...

Date Change for NHS Market Access MPD

Hi Everyone Really looking forward to our day of training working, with Medilink East Midlands.  Thursday 23rd April, Thistle Hotel, East Midlands Airport. After submitting another bid today, it will be great to get back to the basics of how to make the NHS and Social...

Mental Health – experiences of NHS care in the 1970s

My first experience of mental health care was when I was 11 years old. As a boarder at Caistor Grammar School, Saturdays mornings were spent doing “Social Services”, the choices being: potato peeling at the WRVS; litter picking or odd-jobs around the school; or...

What has a Caveman got to do with Healthcare?

Throughout my career in health and social care, there has been a constant (not always) unsaid friction between the public and private sector. The perception seemed to be that the private sector needs to make a profit in order to survive and as such must in some way...

What drives you to live a healthier lifestyle?

  This is Nick and me in 1984, we hadn't been seeing each long, I was 17 and Nick was 20.  Nick was sailing the yacht, single handed, and we were on a brief trip to the Lake District. It was shortly before Nick was due to leave the Royal Marines and I was...

Why train in commercial awareness?

Throughout my career selling to the public sector, all negotiations come down to a relationship.  Whether that is a relationship between a single sales representative and a procurement manager, or a commercial organisation and a hospital, or local council. A...

Patient Engagement

Patients should not be seen as people who have treatments given to them, or care provided for them.  All patients have their own skills, likes, dislikes and preferences.  A service which does not take the patient's views into account is setting itself up to fail. ...

Integrated Care

Kings Fund Integrated Care [vimeo].   Integrated care, centred around the patient, and focussed on outcomes specific to and agreed with the patient and their support network must be the way forward.  Social Care has been delivered through joint care planning for...

Continence Care

Incontinence has a profound effect on the quality of life of patients, carers, and family. Incontinence is not a natural consequence of growing older, or giving birth, and in most cases can be treated or managed effectively to reduce or remove the impact on social...