Pym’s Consultancy Blog

The Value of Experience

The Value of Experience

I don’t usually step outside of my lane, but sometimes things have to be said, which some may call political, but I call pragmatic. In fact, I find politics so frustrating that I refuse to watch the news or read a newspaper because I feel totally disenfranchised and...

Engaging Stakeholders

Engaging Stakeholders

“Stakeholders” - another piece of industry jargon that is frequently thrown in the faces of entrepreneurs. “Who are your stakeholders?” “How will you engage them?” you are asked on training courses and funding rounds. Now, I grew up as a member of a family of...

Fair Funding for Rural Areas

Fair Funding for Rural Areas

January saw the closing date for the Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement consultation. This consultation currently shows that rural communities receive 37% less in central government funding than urban communities.  This is an outrage!  Rural communities...

Reasons for Gratitude

Reasons for Gratitude

I am going to start this blog with a confession - my guilty pleasure is watching American medical dramas. My particular show of choice at the moment is New Amsterdam. One of the reasons for enjoying these shows is that they reflect the differences...

Is your innovation award-winning?

Is your innovation award-winning?

This week I will be working on four separate HSJ Digital Award applications.  All of my clients have innovative products and/or services which improve patients’ lives, so I love to help them shout about what they are doing. If any of these reach the finals, I...

Technology Transfer

Technology Transfer

One of the greatest privileges in my working career is working with spin-out and startup companies. These companies are led by highly motivated people with life-changing ideas, who are looking for the market insight and structure to move their products and...

A gradual return to normal service

A gradual return to normal service

It has been a long time since I last wrote a blog for many reasons, mainly because a consultant specialising in healthcare market entry and access for innovations tends to get quite busy during a pandemic (who’d have thought it?). Another reason is that I was so busy,...

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

I don’t know how many times during this pandemic I have said things like “just imagine how this would be if we didn’t have computers”, or “people would have died in their millions if it wasn’t possible to work from home”. We all consider ourselves fortunate to live in...