Pym’s Consultancy Blog

What is a Market Access Report?

What is a Market Access Report?

Market Access Reports are something frequently requested by our clients. So what are they, and why are they useful? The problem Let’s take an example of Susan. Susan is a director of a company (Wet Stop) which has developed a new technology which can help identify...

The future of digitally enabled healthcare

The future of digitally enabled healthcare

(Original article written for Rehab Guru) “We are at a unique juncture in the history of medicine, with the convergence of genomics, biosensors, the electronic patient record and smartphone apps, all superimposed on a digital infrastructure, with artificial...

The NHS will not pay to improve patient safety

The NHS will not pay to improve patient safety

(Original article written for Patient Safety Learning) You may think that I am saying this to be contentious, but sadly I am not.  As an independent business consultant who supports new businesses and entrepreneurs in...

Do something every day that scares you!

Do something every day that scares you!

When I was working in pharmaceutical sales this was a favourite phrase of one of my managers, and he even went so far as to give all of the sales team a fridge magnet, with this written on, which I still have (in the garage-sorry Alex). Back in the day this was about...

Losing your job, how to prepare and finding the silver lining

Losing your job, how to prepare and finding the silver lining

Firstly, I want to say how much I empathise with people who have or will find themselves out of work during this pandemic.  Having spent my employed career mostly in sales-based jobs the vagaries of company policy about promoting different products and services can...

What’s the Value in your Proposition?

What’s the Value in your Proposition?

Value Propositions seem to be a hot topic at the moment. I have been party to multiple conversations on the subject this week. The definition of a Value Proposition changes depending upon who, or what institution you are speaking to. This is a term I have been using...

How useful is an NHS pilot?

How useful is an NHS pilot?

Working with innovators in health and care the question of evidence always arises. After all we work in a world of “evidence-based care” so no one should be spending money on a product for patients where there is no evidence of benefit to the patient, staff, costs or...

Reasons to Stay in Lockdown

Reasons to Stay in Lockdown

Firstly, I know that the current situation is causing real financial hardship, increasing feelings of loneliness and isolation, and for some real risk of harm. It is difficult for everyone, and we all know that it cannot go on forever. When I walk around the house the...

Working From Home

Working From Home

Working from Home – It doesn’t need to be stressful I know in these strange times many of you will be working from home for the first time and feeling stressed and anxious about how you will get everything done, and manage your home life, or simply stay motivated....

Making Contact

Making Contact

For the last few weeks I have been working on a match-making project for an overseas trade delegation. It’s not a service that I advertise but after receiving an email enquiry titled “Match-making services” (which I almost didn’t open for understandable reasons), I...

The Long Goodbye.  Vascular Dementia and loss.

The Long Goodbye. Vascular Dementia and loss.

I haven’t written for quite some time, and I realise that some people will have read my previous blogs and possibly wondered what has been happening with my mother, who was diagnosed with vascular dementia nearly two years ago. She had been managing very well in her...

Prevention is better than cure

Prevention is better than cure

The Guardian posted an article in June this year looking at mental healthcare, and the lack of attention paid to prevention. With only 5% of mental health research funding spent on prevention, there is surely a long way to go before we see prevention as a working...

Dementia, Long Nights and Wandering

Dementia, Long Nights and Wandering

Dementia, Long Nights and Wandering As dementia progresses, progressive loss of cognitive function becomes more apparent. With long, dark nights over winter difficulties in understanding time increase. Readers of my blog will know that I am supporting my mother to...