Pym’s Consultancy Blog

World Health Day – Let’s Build a Fairer, Healthier World for Everyone
Wednesday 7th of April is World Health Day. World Health Day was first celebrated in 1950, and each year there is s specific theme. This year the World Health Organisation is focussing on building a fairer, healthier world for everyone. WHO are calling for action...
What is a Market Access Report?
Market Access Reports are something frequently requested by our clients. So what are they, and why are they useful? The problem Let’s take an example of Susan. Susan is a director of a company (Wet Stop) which has developed a new technology which can help identify...
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life,” Confucius
Admittedly it has taken me a while to find the job I love, but when asked about retirement plans it always makes me have a sense of rising panic, because I really don’t see myself ever wanting to retire. Being an independent consultant means that I can pick and...
My key skills include ducking flying objects and how to get a police rapid response
In my career I have had some pretty “challenging” jobs. At twenty-one I was a section manager for an unemployment benefits office, where key skills included ducking flying objects, rapid calls to the police, strategic use of air fresheners, and counselling,...
The future of digitally enabled healthcare
(Original article written for Rehab Guru) “We are at a unique juncture in the history of medicine, with the convergence of genomics, biosensors, the electronic patient record and smartphone apps, all superimposed on a digital infrastructure, with artificial...
The NHS will not pay to improve patient safety
(Original article written for Patient Safety Learning) You may think that I am saying this to be contentious, but sadly I am not. As an independent business consultant who supports new businesses and entrepreneurs in...
What does it mean if I contact you for research purposes? What’s involved and why you might want to take part.
Firstly, I would like to say that it is a privilege to work with customers whose primary objective is to improve the health and wellbeing of patients, don’t get me wrong I caution anyone who tells me that they don’t want to make money, as this would be a project...
Do something every day that scares you!
When I was working in pharmaceutical sales this was a favourite phrase of one of my managers, and he even went so far as to give all of the sales team a fridge magnet, with this written on, which I still have (in the garage-sorry Alex). Back in the day this was about...
Losing your job, how to prepare and finding the silver lining
Firstly, I want to say how much I empathise with people who have or will find themselves out of work during this pandemic. Having spent my employed career mostly in sales-based jobs the vagaries of company policy about promoting different products and services can...
Being a MedTech Entrepreneur isn’t meant to be easy………
Being a MedTech Entrepreneur isn’t meant to be easy, if it was everyone would be doing it. It takes a special breed of people who are passionate, resilient, inspired, and inspiring to get to the top. Not only do you face the challenges of setting up a business, but...
What’s the Value in your Proposition?
Value Propositions seem to be a hot topic at the moment. I have been party to multiple conversations on the subject this week. The definition of a Value Proposition changes depending upon who, or what institution you are speaking to. This is a term I have been using...
How useful is an NHS pilot?
Working with innovators in health and care the question of evidence always arises. After all we work in a world of “evidence-based care” so no one should be spending money on a product for patients where there is no evidence of benefit to the patient, staff, costs or...
Reasons to Stay in Lockdown
Firstly, I know that the current situation is causing real financial hardship, increasing feelings of loneliness and isolation, and for some real risk of harm. It is difficult for everyone, and we all know that it cannot go on forever. When I walk around the house the...
Working From Home
Working from Home – It doesn’t need to be stressful I know in these strange times many of you will be working from home for the first time and feeling stressed and anxious about how you will get everything done, and manage your home life, or simply stay motivated....
How do I get my technology into Health and Care Markets?
A frequent question from initial meetings with new clients. I won’t lie to you. It isn’t easy. You have to consider which part of the market to approach:Public ServicesPrivate ProvidersEnd UsersNext what part within the sector you choose e.g. for...
Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents P**s Poor Performance
Not an unfamiliar phrase, but one that is worth acknowledging. As a trained DiSC profiler, I am very aware of my own profile (D-Dominance). This makes me direct, results-orientated, firm, strong-willed and forceful by nature. As part of Everything DiSC® you learn to...
Making Contact
For the last few weeks I have been working on a match-making project for an overseas trade delegation. It’s not a service that I advertise but after receiving an email enquiry titled “Match-making services” (which I almost didn’t open for understandable reasons), I...
Easier Access to Potential Customers in Need of Supportive Technologies
I am working on a project to connect those in need of supportive technologies with information about what is available and when to use it. If you are involved in selling supportive technologies please spare 5 minutes for this short survey....
Survey – improving information and access to supporting technologies
After my mother's death from vascular dementia in December 2019, I have started a project to improve the information available about technologies which can help retain independence while living with the disease. I am currently gathering information to help with this...
A Valiant Fight Against Vascular Dementia and a Dignified End
This blog is very personal and has taken me some time to get up the courage to write it. Those who have read my previous blogs will know that myself and my brother have been supporting our mother through an initial diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), then...
The Long Goodbye. Vascular Dementia and loss.
I haven’t written for quite some time, and I realise that some people will have read my previous blogs and possibly wondered what has been happening with my mother, who was diagnosed with vascular dementia nearly two years ago. She had been managing very well in her...
“We have a great innovation, it would save the NHS/Social Care millions of pounds, but no one will talk to us.”
This is the most common comment I hear from new clients, so why is this so often the case with new ideas and new businesses? By the time I am having this conversation clients have already called in the cavalry - who are you going to call, and when is the most...
Prevention is better than cure
The Guardian posted an article in June this year looking at mental healthcare, and the lack of attention paid to prevention. With only 5% of mental health research funding spent on prevention, there is surely a long way to go before we see prevention as a working...
What it means to be a patient in a rural community.
What it means to be a patient in a rural community. I have been asked to speak at a meeting for the Rural Service Network about my experience of working in health and care in rural environments and this has got me thinking. My experience is founded upon the...
Pym’s Consultancy – Celebrating Five Years’ Success with a competition to win a free consultation!
Pym’s Consultancy - Celebrating Five Years’ Success with a competition to win a free consultation! Pym’s Consultancy - Celebrating Five Years’ Success with a competition to win a free consultation! This month Pym’s Consultancy is celebrating five years’ trading. Five...
Financial Lasting Power of Attorney, Self-funding Care and Taxation
Financial Lasting Power of Attorney, Self-funding Care and Taxation Holding Financial Lasting Power of Attorney for someone needing care is a big responsibility and not something to be undertaken lightly. It means more than making sure Mum or Dad is running their bank...
Why is Social Care so far ahead of the NHS when it comes to digital records and mobile working?
Why is Social Care so far ahead of the NHS when it comes to digital records and mobile working? This is a question I was asked recently at meeting about implementing digital health technologies in the NHS. The question arose as a result of me being the only person in...
Dementia, Long Nights and Wandering
Dementia, Long Nights and Wandering As dementia progresses, progressive loss of cognitive function becomes more apparent. With long, dark nights over winter difficulties in understanding time increase. Readers of my blog will know that I am supporting my mother to...
Innovate UK opening Biomedical Catalyst 2019 round 1
Innovate UK opening Biomedical Catalyst 2019 round 1 What a great start to the New Year! Innovate UK have announced that they will be opening two new grant competitions for SMEs on the 21st January – Biomedical Catalyst 2019 round 1. The aim of the Biomedical Catalyst...
Health Literacy, Rural Inequality and Living with Dementia
Health Literacy, Rural Inequality and Living with Dementia. I have decided to post more regular blogs, with less specific focus, as each working week is different, and raises varying issues across health and care. Over the last few days I have been doing the usual,...